how to save money is the most important questions a person can ask himself/herself, becuase it takes lots of time and energy to earn it, but in order to spend money we do not take time and money flys from our pocket so fast.
Hold on I will share some of the types that i use to follow to save money
- Keeping 2 Bank Accounts – I have one regular Bank account that i use for my day to day needs, and this bank account is linked with all internet payments apps and net bankings and etc. such services is activated with this account only .
- BUT my 2nd is account is my salary account that i hardly use because if my running account will have money then my expenses will be more then my needs that’s why keeping money in different account is a wise choice.
- paying all the bills and utility bills before last date, this will help you to not to take unwanted pressure on your head because such payments will give you another type of burden if you do not pay on time. so be free by paying on time.
- fixed deposit – this can be one of the best way to keep your money safe in accounts with higher interest rate from Bank.
- Stock market – this is one of the best way to save your money but it has risk of loosing it if you do not invest wisely.